Saturday, May 5, 2012

France Beckons

Leading up to retirement, I had always pictured myself either moving to or spending long periods of time in France.  And while I am fortunate enough to receive a pension, it does not leave me enough for travel of the international kind.  So this last year and a half has not brought l'aventure I yearned for except through book and film. 

Finally, though, in September, my husband and I will be jumping the pond to spend a few months in France.  My friend, Cindy, will be spending the first month with us; and we hope to have other visitors while there.  While I had envisioned a solitary few months in one place inspired by mountain and sea, wine and cheese, zero obligations, I will be showing people I love the places I love.  And perhaps I will be able to spend some more time on my next book.  (Book number two is mighty close, so that would make it book number three!)  More realistically, though, I hope that my French will improve, we will be able to explore new places, I will find new things to write about, and we will reap the benefits of our genuine appreciation for all things French.  Well, not exactly ALL things French.  But more about that at another time.  Between now and then, France will have 1) a recycled president or 2) a new president.  Either way, I'm not sure it will make much of a difference for us--though the better the dollar against the Euro, the better off we'll be. 
Eze from above the Mediterranean taken in 2008.

Our first stop is Nice.  It's not new to us, but we still have much to see there.  And we will be able to show Cindy places we like and that, I think, she will like, too.  And the remainder of the time we hope to be in southwestern France--either in the Pyrenees or near the Mediterranean just above the Spanish border.

September cannot come soon enough.